Still August but a new Mrs Wren

The Wedding of the Year

In my last epistle I mentioned the upcoming wedding of my grandson Morley & his Fiance Annice, That happy day has come and gone and the new Mr & Mrs Wren are back from honeymoon and settling back into life in Gloucester.

The wedding was at Llanthony Secunda Priory close to Gloucester Docks. All branches of the family were represented, and as is his custom Jer wore a kilt, an English Wren tartan he had made especially for the occasion while Karen, Mike & Summer sent video greetings from Australia.

We all had a good time getting to know new people and catching up with others.
I enjoyed myself with no alcohol involved,  just high on life and escaped before anybody tried to make me dance!

The event went on until midnight and the hardier ones then adjourned to Butler’s Nightclub until… goodness knows when.

Appointment with Consultant at Worcester Royal Hospital

I had my first post-op appointment with my consultant, who confirmed all was well and he would see me again in 6 months. with PSA blood tests every 3 months to monitor my progress.

Twyford to Banbury

IMG_0589 Although we didn’t notice it last night we awoke to the droning of traffic on the M40 so that just might have coloured our decision to be a little more disciplined today and make a fairly early start, we also wanted to get into Banbury and do some shopping.

There was only Grants Lock to negotiate which pleased Joy.

IMG_0590The rural scenery which we had enjoyed so far continued right into the outskirts of Banbury with a surprisingly attractive park but as we travelled a little further the scenery became a tad more industrial!

IMG_0592We moored up just outside the  town and went to collect our mail, including a pair of walkie-talkies so I don’t have to shout at Joy at the locks, I had a haircut at Graffiti (how cool am I?) bought an anchor at the historic Tooley’s Boatyard and did a shop at Morrisons. After returning to the boat we brought it up through Banbury Lock and moored up right in the middle of town next to Castle Quays shopping centre. I wonder if tonight will be as quiet as rest of the journey so far.

Upper Heyford to Twyford

The day started in a leisurely way departing from below Allen’s Lock after waiting for the morning rush hour to subside 😀

IMG_0564 We passed through Heyford Common Lock before reaching Somerton Deep Lock which Joy was dreading, in the event there wasn’t much problem except Joy couldn’t manage the lower gate on her own (well the lock is 12’ deep = big gate) so I had to climb up the lock ladder and help. We stopped for an extended lunch at Somerton Meadows (really nice) as a side wind was blowing hard and making it difficult to get off the bank!

Another stop at Aynho Wharf for a “pump out” (empty the loo) and to fill the water tank. Catty is always a great conversation starter and at Aynho Weir Lock Joy got into conversation with a lady who completely misunderstood which cage Catty was kept in when we are travelling and thought it was the birdcage which holds our wren’s nest. I could hear the laughter back on the boat when her mistake was explained to her 😀

We tested my new invention, a ratcheting windlass which now has Joy’s seal of approval for those troublesome, heavy paddles.

IMG_0581 We travelled as far as Kings Sutton Lock before mooring up just before Twyford Wharf for the night at about 6pm. Tomorrow we head into Banbury where we will do some shopping!

The duck shoot, the bare facts

There was this terrible knocking noise like rumbling thunder at 4.30 in the morning. So I leapt out of bed and went and stuck my head out of the kitchen window and realized it was a duck pulling and eating weed of our boat.

How dare they peck holes in her, I took hold  of the miniature water pistol I sometimes use on cattie if she is being bad and scratching the furniture.

I aimed a good shot through the kitchen window she jumped and went off

I do love ducks, I really do, I feed them all the time!

Sorry no photos I’ll leave you to guess why 😀