Off to Pastures New

It’s that time of year again when the Wrens take off on their summer cruise, and yesterday we left our Banbury mooring for the final time as we have taken a new mooring on the Coventry Canal near Tamworth. It’s in a rural area with pleasant views and the moorings have dedicated car parking and facilities for boaters’ rubbish disposal etc. on site, things sadly lacking at our Banbury mooring.


Cropredy Lock Cottage

Of course, we will miss our little community of boaty friends here and Joy has to say goodbye to her keep-fit and art classes but we will certainly keep in touch with them all and hope to find friends and activities at our new home mooring.
We arrived at Cropredy yesterday afternoon and as we were filling up with water a boat left the 48 hour mooring opposite so we swiftly took their place.
So.. This is a fairlead

This morning we were underway by 8:15 am (shock, horror!) and by 1pm we were moored near The Wharf Inn at Fenny Compton. The weather today has been gloriously sunny and nine locks seemed to pass quickly, all went well apart from one incident where the centre line’s ‘fairlead’ sheared it’s mounting bolts whilst tied up at a lock. As there was a short queue at the bottom of Claydon Locks I took the opportunity to drill out the broken 4 mm brass screws and re-tap to 5mm and replace with some steel bolts. It will have to come off again soon because it was terribly rusty underneath.


   This is the last of the iconic Oxford Canal lift bridges we will see for a while!

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