Paused at Penkridge

DSCN2187Joy woke this morning feeling back to normal, like a different person she says, and even though we were up and out before nine, we were the last boat off of the mooring.

We were soon wriggling our way northward past Hatherton Junction where we spotted icebreaker Tycho with it’s huge ram on the bow.  See here for more of Tycho’s story.

.Then it was Calf Heath and a straight run of canal through the Schenectady Chemical Works, warning signs urge you not to moor up or stop for 200 meters [sic] even if you hear an alarm. Maybe it’s something to do with the tanks marked phosphorus!

I would say especially if you hear an alarm. Incidentally their signs are far more than 200 metres apart.

DSCN2199By 11 am we were at Gailey and 3rd in the queue for the lock but as the Black Prince hire boat ahead of us needed water they kindly let us go ahead of us, they may have regretted it later as they needed to turn most of the following five locks, mind you we did little better, as most boats seemed to be headed the same way as us.
We reached Penkridge, our destination for today, at quarter past one and settled onto the Visitor Moorings above the lock. After our evening meal we were surprised by a shower of rain which although short, delighted us with the sight of a double rainbow. Joy managed to photograph three, two in the sky and a reflection in the water too.

Tomorrow is one of Penkridge’s market days so we might have to pay that a visit before we leave.

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