Starting the trip back south

DSCN2113So it was up at the crack of dawn on Sunday, well hardly, but I was setting Whitby narrow locks before 8 am. Now before you think I slipped into  a wormhole and mysteriously reappeared in the North East instead of the North West, these are the locks within the Ellesmere Port site and we crept out trying to disturb neither the other moorers nor fishermen who seem to be there from dawn to dusk.

DSCN2115Once up the locks & out of the museum complex the crew disappeared below decks to have breakfast and have a Facetime call with their cousins in Australia, about an hour later I enquired if I might have my breakfast only to be told the call was still in progress. So I just enjoyed the scenery and sculpture en route. The 2½ hour journey back to Chester is lock free as we progress back from the industrial areas through the countryside back to the city.

DSCN2123Back at Chester it was up the Northgate Staircase, under the ‘Bridge of Sighs’ (where allegedly condemned prisoners walked) and into the city centre for lunch and a stop at Tescos. (again)

Not a long break as we had have five more locks to tackle before rendezvousing with our son to re-unite his children to him. We were only at the first lock however when Jeremy rang to say he had arrived so he started walking down to meet us.

Unfortunately it started to rain but undeterred Dad and Lad pressed on in the company of a hire boat crew and we arrived at The Old Trooper thoroughly soaked.

This morning we decided to have breakfast at the pub but it was a disappointing experience, let’s just say the best part was the tea and toast. Afterwards we said goodbye to our family as they set of by car on their way back to Gloucestershire.

So it was back to just Joy and myself and it seemed quiet as we cruised onwards and debated whether to do the last of the wide locks today or tomorrow. Tomorrow won the day and we are moored near the Shady Oak again and have been able to top up with diesel from Fuel-Boat Halsall who happened to stop by.

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