Wrens at Wrenbury

DSCN0870Last night’s mooring was next to the A51 and so this idyllic picture is a little misleading but it didn’t disturb our sleep and we were up and away before ten. In 40 minutes we were back to Hurleston Junction and in a queue of three boats waiting to enter the Llangollen Canal by ascending the four locks. Joy didn’t enjoy these locks at all as she got the alignment wrong on the first one and then was lacking in confidence on the rest.

The Llangollen canal is used to supply water from to Cheshire, so there is a noticeable flow. Wikipedia says 

To the north of the locks is Hurleston Reservoir, which is filled by water which passes along the canal from the Horseshoe Falls at Llantysilio. As well as supplying the canal, the reservoir is also used for drinking water, and holds 85 million gallons Around 12 million gallons flow along the canal each day to supply it.


A result of this water flow is that each of following locks has a strong bywash where the flowing water goes around the lock, this has the effect of pushing your boat out of line when entering the locks.

The first one seemed worst and Joy soon mastered the technique of compensating for it. We received lots of help from other boaters as well today.


Just as soon as she was used to this we encountered our first Llangollen lift bridge which needed winding up with a windlass, this job fell to me while Joy took the boat through.
No sooner she had was almost through three boats came in the opposite direction.

DSCN0888It would have been rude to close the bridge for them so there was I, stranded one side of the canal while Joy was attempting to tie up the boat on the other, fortunately a lady from one of the other crews came to help her and we then had the boat which had been following us catch us up from and go through, they assured me I would get my reward in heaven!


We had decided to spend the night at Wrenbury (where else) and nb Ruby Tuesday operated the next (electrically operated) bridge for us. and then we both moored up.

IMG_20150625_192255959_HDRWe treated ourselves to a meal at The Dusty Miller which was moderately priced and an outstanding meal, definitely not your usual pub grub! Lamb Tagine for me & Salmon for Joy, the chef produced a non-dairy lemon dressing for Joy and for desert a rum & raisin bread & butter pudding with banoffee sauce & custard. Beer of choice tonight? Lift Bridge Ale.
Top Marks to The Dusty Miller.

On the way back to the boat we picked elderflowers and Joy now has some elderflower cordial on the go, glutton for punishment isn’t she!

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