On to Audlem

Saturday’s weather was, as predicted, wet so we didn’t stray far from the boat.
I did visit Talbot Wharf and buy some more rope to practice my splicing and I now have a selection of ropes to moor up with.

This morning we visited Market Drayton Methodist Church and joined them for their 11am service, we received a warm welcome and enjoyed worshipping with them.
The current church dates from 1985 and to quote from their website:

IMG_20150621_123342900_HDRToday’s church is designed for all-age worship; it is warm and light, with comfortable chairs.

It is on two levels; the raised section with rear door access, is wheelchair friendly.

The Cross in the large circular window is an impressive and prominent feature.

DSCN0805On our return from church we set off straight away and immediately after the first bridge we encountered a fishing match stretching for about a mile, the guys were very good humoured as they raised their rods to let us through.

We had a clear run through to Adderley locks where we met two guys bringing a Springer narrowboat  bought on eBay back from Birmingham to Skipton!

They had had a couple problems the current one being a faulty water pump and they were having to keep the single cylinder engine cool by dousing it with a a watering can full of canal water occasionally. After the locks we caught up with them stuck in the shallows where the wind had blown them, we offered to tow them off and nearly got stuck ourselves.

DSCN0810We got off successfully though and towed them down to Audlem locks to give the ailing engine a rest, we left them there as we were mooring up for the night. We hope they manage to get a spare impellor at Nantwich tomorrow.

There was a canalside stall at the top lock where we bought some eggs and then found ourselves a mooring after the second lock where Catty could go out exploring.

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