Fenny Compton to Napton

DSCN0256As promised this morning dawned sunny and bright, but by the time we had filled up with water and disposed of the rubbish the clouds had covered the sun as we wound our way along the summit of the South Oxford canal. We spotted some lop eared sheep and a curiously immured boat.

Just as we arrived at Marston Doles, however the sun came out for us to descend the nine locks of the Napton flight. The Napton buffalo were enjoying the sunshine too and it was nice to see the lock wing wall that collapsed last year had been repaired over the winter and a couple of volunteer lock keepers were on duty to help us through the two penultimate locks.


IMG_20150515_160511984We found a sunny mooring just around the corner from the locks where Catty lay on roof enjoying the sun and I read a ‘Hamish Macbeth’ book while Joy prepared a tasty lasagne and the local Jacob’s sheep came down for a drink.


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