Fenny Compton to… err…Fenny Compton

DSCN0244We have spent a fairly quiet few days here at Fenny, not only is it one of our favourites as it’s a lovely sunny spot, Catty can keep herself busy inspecting the hedgerows and we spoilt ourselves by eating out at The Wharf Inn twice! We had only intended to indulge once but my erstwhile colleague, Colin (aka Digger) came to visit yesterday  and as it was his wife, Maureen’s birthday it would have been rude not to join them and their friend Philippa for a meal.


Yesterday morning  we heard the sound of oars, and were surprised to see three skiffs? which would have looked more at home on the Thames passing by, shades of Three Men in a Boat!

Today’s weather was pretty damp and miserable, so we didn’t feel too bad spending the day in Banbury (thanks to Digger for a lift into town) getting the laptop checked over at PC World as it had been playing up lately [anyone know what BAD_POOL_CALLER means?], visiting the optician to get new lenses fitted to my glasses and they kindly put the old lenses in another frame so that I have a spare pair. We visited Steve Betts butchers and the market for veg before catching the bus back to Fenny.

Lovely weather for ducks!

The weather forecast is better for tomorrow so it’s Napton here we come.

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