Spring Mini Cruise 2023 Part 1

Thursday 23rd March

We have passed the Spring Equinox and look forward (?) to the clocks going forward in a couple of days, so an escape from the mooring for a few days was in order.

We unplugged the mains electricity cable and stole away from our mooring at about 9:30, and a kind passer by helped us with York Street lock and we were away.

Falling Sands Viaduct

We had intended to stop at the Bird in Hand pub but we arrived there so early and the weather was fine we decided to press on and Falling Sands Viaduct gave Joy and opportunity for an arty Photo.

Volunteers were working on Caldwell Lock cutting back grass and weeds, and said painting and greasing were next. They took a short break to let us through and closed the gates after us.

We moored up a short distance further on, had lunch  and set things up ready for Joy’s on line art class.


Meanwhile I experimented with the Wi-Fi aerial and found it received a far better signal lying horizontal so bodged up  designed a mounting for it.

That achieved without losing Joy’s internet connection I concocted a Chilli for tea.

A number  of Starline hireboats passed by during the afternoon headed back to base and the evening was spent watching both terrestrial and on-demand TV .

Thursday’s Journey
Friday 24th March

This morning we were up and off before 9 as rain was forecast after lunch.

We were soon at Kidderminster Lock and were greeted by a guy who was working on resurfacing the towpath who introduced himself as ‘Brummy’ he has a boat moored at Otherton where we used to be based.

A quick shop-stop at Sainsbury’s for a few items scored us a ‘Taste don’t Waste’ box for £2 which amongst other useful things contained 4 Avocados which I shall enjoy my breakfasts (I blame them Aussies for introducing me to Smashed Avo & Bacon)

It was out of Kiddy to Wolverley Court Lock where we met a group of deaf people who did their best to communicate with us.

Kingfisher has had a repaint 


Woverley Church

Onwards though the newly refurbished Wolverley Lock, thence we elected to go on and turn at Lea Lane Winding Hole before the rain came. As we returned to Wolverley Lock the rain did indeed start, but we managed to descend and moor up without getting too wet!

After a lunch of Roasted Mushrooms & Feta, Tomato & Courgette Parcels I had a phone call from my Diabetic Nurse with the news that she was very pleased with my HbA1c Levels and has rescinded the threat of insulin injections and will check my levels again in 3 months.

The afternoon threw all sorts of weather at us from heavy rain showers to bright sunshine which was good news as as our solar panels kept the batteries topped up.

Friday’s Journey

Map Images courtesy of the Waterway Routes App https://www.waterwayroutes.co.uk/

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