A long day to Rugby

DSCN2254The volunteer lock keeper at Atherstone reminded us that Shackerstone Festival  had been on this last weekend and this became clear as we met several of the participants and visitors as we left Hartshill this morning.

At Wood Bridge we met our first of the historic boats, Kangaroo towing the butty Australia on a short line, we were able to pull onto Springwood Haven’s wharf  and keep out of the way.

We continued to meet boats until we reached Marston Junction where The Ashby starts to make it’s way to the current terminus at Shackerstone.

DSCN2275Our approach to Nuneaton was marked by an increase of rubbish in the canal even before we had reached any housing, it’s disappointing when a town seems to turn it’s back on the canal. The only item of interest being Boot Wharf with it’s moorings and boatyard.

We were soon out of town and passing the quirky Charity Dock with The Stig & A Fine Lady on a White Horse in residence.



It was then on to Hawkesbury Junction with the 180 degree turn under the bridge and into the basin to queue for the lock, a boat was having issue with opening the lock gate but it was soon resolved and historic boat, Panther went on through, then it was our turn. 


DSCN2282We had considered stopping at Ansty or Newbold but there were no moorings available at either, so as the weather was still glorious we kept going until we reached Rugby’s Visitor Moorings at Brownshill.

The longest day we have done for a long time, 21.48 miles, 8h7m, 1 Lock and 76 Bridges, then shopping at Tesco after tea… Phew.

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