Summer Cruise 2022 – Episode 6

Sunday 10th July – Compton to Swindon

Yesterday afternoon we were joined on the mooring by nb Galene (Γαλήνη ) which unsurprisingly was owned by a Greek couple. [Wikipedia tells us “Γαλήνη Galênê means ‘calm weather’ or ‘calm, tranquillity’ in ancient Greek religion was a minor goddess personifying calm seas”] and Joy took this snap as we  set off as quietly as possible at quarter to seven to get our journey done in the coolest part of the day!

By 9:15 we arrived at Bratch Locks where mercifully there were volunteers on duty to direct traffic & assist with the locks.

At Wombourne there was a massive car boot sale going on in the distance, but we had no time for that.

Onwards through Bumblehole Lock and down the Botterham Staircase, through another fishing competition, to find ourselves a mooring with a bit of shade at Swindon by midday.


Almost immediately we were greeted by a friendly moorhen who tried to flap up onto our gunnel, almost coming in the kitchen window, but he fell back into the water, so we rewarded him with some snacks which he took back into the reeds to eat.

We caught up with our church service on YouTube during the afternoon and idled away the rest of the day, which was no more than we deserved after 14 locks!

Monday 11th July – Swindon to Whittington

Another uncharacteristically early start again, at 7:30, as today promised to be even hotter. Only seven locks today though, all but one needed filling as not many boats seemed to be headed north. Through the diminutive (25 yard) Dunsley Tunnel and by 11:00 we had achieved our goal of getting through Hyde Lock which is due to be closed for three days on Wednesday.

We topped up our water tank at Kinver Services allowing the boat which had been following us for the last few locks to pass. It was then though Kinver Lock and we encountered a large group of kids in canoes, I would like to see their organiser’s risk assessment because they had no idea they were supposed to keep to the right and there didn’t seem enough instructors to to keep them under supervision. Two of them even stopped right in front of us causing us to do an ‘Emergency Stop’. The consequences of hitting them doesn’t bear thinking about.

And relax! By noon we reached Whittington Horse Bridge and found a quiet mooring. During the afternoon a nap was in order and later I got my bike out and cycled back to the Co-op at Kinver for some shopping, unfortunately my phone fell out of my shorts pocket and damaged the screen, although it might have been worse if it wasn’t in a case.

After I returned, the tooting of a horn announced that our friends Leigh & Malc had caught us up. There was room here to set up table, chairs and sunshade later in the evening where we sat out and had our evening meal.

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