Summer Cruise 2022 – Episode 1

Stourport to Whittington

The start of our Summer Cruise this year has been delayed by several factors, Chris has had a number of hospital appointments to attend and Jinty our camper-van’s MoT was due to run out at the end this month and she needed some major repairs which involved visits to Dursley and Rochdale!


Eventually the MoT was obtained and a hospital appointment in Birmingham was arranged which we could access from near Tamworth meaning that there was nothing to delay us any longer.

Tuesday 21st June

On returning this afternoon with a shiny new MoT we were so excited that we topped up the boat with diesel and set off for Lidl for some shopping. Two of our neighbours, Barry & Leah, kindly worked York Street Lock for us and after our shopping stop continued to the ‘Bird in Hand’ for a refreshing pint and spent the night moored outside.

Wednesday 22nd June

An early(ish) 9:30 start this morning took us up to Kidderminster to visit Sainsburys for all the things Lidl didn’t have in stock and have a spot of lunch on board.

Then were off again, headed for Wolverley where we tied up in the shade of a tree for the rest of the day. Joy’s phone signal was non-existent but internet was OK, as was the TV signal.

Thursday 23rd June

This morning we resolved to make and early start to avoid the heat, just one lock Debdale Lock where we met a boatload of Americans, and through the short Cookley Tunnel. In the end the heat wasn’t that bad and we were greeted by a frog when we  arrived at Whittington where we knew there would be good internet for Joy’s online art class this afternoon.

The forecast rain hasn’t amount to much, but we will spend the night here.


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