An Unexpected Catch Up

Friday 15th April
Engine service and test cruise completed, through the wonders of Facebook we learnt that our old longtime friend Marie was staying with some friends in a motorhome at Wolverley, so a 20 minute drive out to the Lock Inn was made and we spent pleasant couple of hours catching up with news and reminiscing about old times.
We reckoned that Chris & her first met through a mutual friend when Chris was nineteen and Marie was a naughty fourteen year old schoolgirl.

Saturday 16th April
We had invited Marie to visit us at the boat and this morning we received a message to say that she was going to get a taxi and bring her friends too.

So after introductions we took them all out on a boat trip back to Wolverley,  stopping at The Bird in Hand for a drink and afterwards lunch was taken on the move.

Sue, Marie & Richard

Marie & Sue had a go at steering with much hilarity while Richard and Geof were lock crew.

We had a easy trip with most locks in our favour and less boats on the move than we expected for an Easter Weekend.

Geof & Lorraine

Once arrived back at the Lock Inn more drinks were forced upon us and we were invited back to the campsite for a barbecue which was most enjoyable with a huge variety of food.

We had conducted tours of both their motorhomes before returning to the boat and falling into bed, tired but happy.


Sunday 17th April
At quarter to ten we set of back home and managed to share the Easter Day service from Riverside Church at Bewdley en-route by courtesy of YouTube.

We arrived back at our mooring before 3 o’clock ready for our next adventure.


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