On to The Shroppy

Tuesday 17th August

We waited all day here at Compton for an Amazon delivery only to receive an email at 6:26 pm saying  “We wanted to let you know there may be a delay in delivering your [order] expected on Tuesday, 17th August, 2021. We expect the order to be delivered within the next 24-48 hours.”  Well that’s really helpful as I’d paid for next day delivery, an exchange of messages with “Jaydeep” assured me that I’d have my order by Friday “is that OK?”  Well, guess what my answer was, I would take business elsewhere!

Wednesday 18th August

Well, Jaydeep must have powers over the Space-Time Continuum because by 6am this morning my package had arrived at Wolverhampton and by 9:40 I had collected it from Compton Post Office. Shame I’d ordered a another from eBay, so one will have to go back.

We therefore set off through Compton Lock by 10:30am, and after a few minutes saw the blue flash of a kingfisher but needless to say I wasn’t quick enough to snap it.
The water along this stretch to Aldersley Junction is very clear and rich in weed, this is apparently encouraged by nutrients released by the sewage works outfall!

Teddy waving to us!

Autherley Junction followed soon and we turned onto the Shropshire Union canal, through the stop lock and stopped at Napton Narrowboats where we got a pump out, filled with water and disposed of rubbish.

We passed under Avenue Bridge, which is a very grand structure insisted on by the landowner as recompense for the canal company bisecting his carriage drive.

Avenue Bridge

This part of the world seems to have a rule that few canal-side village names can be pronounced as it they are spelt. Thus it was that we stopped for lunch at Brewood said, ‘Brewed’.

As we continued our journey we crossed the A5 on Stretton Aquaduct  the railings of which would look better if treated to a coat of paint. Soon after an oncoming hire boat strayed to far away from us and ran aground and we had to tow them free of the debris which had slipped down the embankment.


On we went and negotiated Wheaton Aston Lock and found ourselves a mooring with good internet & TV signal.

Turner’s Garage with cheap diesel is just through the bridge and the Hartley Arms almost opposite.

Thursday 19th August

We are spending the day here at Wheaton Aston, this morning I rode my bike to the village shop for a few bits of shopping. and this afternoon is Joy’s art class.

Tomorrow we plan to go as far as Gnosall, any guesses on how to say that?


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