Gloucester Docks

Saturday 26th June 2021

As the weather was good today we thought we would make a move towards Gloucester, so about 10:00am we cast off, we needed water but another boat had beaten us to Saul water point so we decided we would press on.

We moored outside Sainsburys for a bit of shopping, then got our water and a pump out at the service station before going into the dock, where we found a spot against the dock wall which didn’t have a 48 hour restriction, it was a bit of a hop up to the land but a pleasant enough spot.

On route we had a message from our grandson asking if he could call and see us so we arranged to meet him in The Docks and we spent a pleasant afternoon with him.

He arrived on his motorbike and amazingly is 18 next month! He is following in my footsteps, doing an engineering apprenticeship and thoroughly enjoying it.

Monday 28th June 2021

We are moored next to The Med Kitchen so we met our friends Lis & John there for an early evening meal. We sat in their outside area and they were most solicitous, offering blankets  in case we were cold and had an excellent meal.

Tuesday 29th June 2021

Today we have had Joy’s niece Chris visit for afternoon tea and had a good catch up of family news.

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