A few days at braunston

DSCN0301It’s been fun  being moored by the junction, here at Braunston, we got to see plenty of boats passing by; for some the junction seems to take them by surprise and frantic manoeuvrings take place, and for others yesterday’s stiff breeze pushed them towards the boats moored opposite us.

We have had two sets of visitors since being here, yesterday Gordon & Jane called by and later fellow blogger, Halfie on nb Jubilee came into town and later Jan & John called by to introduce themselves. We have followed their blog for a long time but never actually met before.

DSCN0302Since we were on a 48 hour mooring and we want to stay here a couple more days we have moved around the corner to 14 day moorings where we were amused to see this sign saying we were in a residential area and entreating us to keep engine noise to a minimum, there is actually just one house sandwiched between the canal and the busy A45 and the adjacent paddock was being mown by a tractor and flail mower making an horrendous noise!

It’s a nice enough mooring though and it’s nice and sunny when it’s not raining or hailing. We have the A45 road bridge ahead at which it is difficult to see if there are any boats coming through and the water & rubbish point behind which gets a bit congested, so ample opportunities for more entertainment!

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