Cropredy to Fenny Compton

We spent a pleasant weekend in Cropredy visiting the Brasenose Arms both Saturday and Sunday!

Barney Newman was performing on Saturday night and very good he was too.

We got chatting to another boater who it transpired was moored behind us and it was only when we returned to the boat we realised that he was the new owner of nb Katherine which we had shared many locks with back in 2010.

After our visit to the marina we were now facing the wrong way and had to go back to Cropredy winding hole to turn around and moor up on the 48 hour moorings.

On Sunday night we took part in their quiz with our friend and fellow boater June and didn’t disgrace ourselves but neither did we win.

So this morning we were off again, headed for Fenny Compton and had a pleasant journey with sightings of baby ducks, geese and swans on the way. All together now… Aww!


DSCN0226At Broadmoor lock we spotted the Hesperus which was looking as if it is having some serious rebuilding done on it, which is good news as this historic old boat was sunk last time we passed.

We also met nb Calm Down as we came up the locks and it was good to see Lillian & Dave who are also off cruising.


DSCN0241We arrived at Fenny before 2pm and slotted into a space on the 14 day moorings where we will stay for a few days. Catty is happy and already been off reacquainting herself with the area, but is now worn out and asleep on her ‘Princess Cushion’. Oh, and regular readers will notice I’ve been tinkering with the blog’ theme again.

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