Summer Cruise Day 20

With today’s weather forecast set to ‘Scorchio’ we planned an early departure from Pershore, and surprisingly we managed to be away before 8 am. There were just three locks today, Pershore, Fladbury and Chadbury. Pershore lock was the deepest at 9ft and has a diamond shaped chamber to add to the excitement, however we had all the locks to ourselves and were able to take our time negotiating them.


The other two are conventionally shaped and have more modern lock gates which look less ‘home made’ than the previous ones. In truth the gates are well balanced and despite their size, easy to open & close, not only that but the paddles are counterbalanced with a weight & chain mechanism, the trick seems to be to gently open the paddle on the top gate opposite to the side you are moored and the water flow keeps the boat against the lock wall.


Some of the houses along the way had beautiful gardens and a camera shy heron, who had been teasing Joy by swooping across in front of us as soon as she put her camera down, eventually perched on a dead tree branch for a photo opportunity.

A notice at Chadbury advised us to give 3 long horn blasts to warn the ferryman at Hampton Ferry to lower the rope but in the event it didn’t seem to be operating today.

Abbey Bridge

So it was under Abbey Bridge and we were moored up at Evesham, opposite the park before noon. Later in the afternoon we ventured into the town to have a look around and bought a few items.

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