shopping by canal

As we had good internet coverage where we moored up last night, we decided to find out about our holiday to Australia to see our family and friends.

This made us later leaving we had some different locks to learn today you had a special key to unlock it with before you prepared it this was anti-vandalism precautions. I got back into the swing of taking the boat through the locks again as for the last few weeks they were done for you.

We had a shorter day today as we moored up twice and went food shopping. Wow I got Chris into Tesco and Sainsbury on the same day!

We were very impressed with Kidderminster they really made use of the canal this was a very pretty and cared for canal the Staffordshire and Worcester.

Wolverley Village & Church
We are now moored up by Wolverley lock went for a walk around the village to visit St John the Baptist church built in 1772. The legend goes that the Lord of the manor, a crusader called Attwood was found in chains in the meadow, having been miraculously transported from a prison after seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary. On the way back I picked blackberries for tea.

0 thoughts on “shopping by canal

  1. Yay

    you are in my neck of the woods, the boat play on is in stourport and you passed it assume. We are off up to my fav pub on the canal, the lock in Wolverly in a couple of weeks on a weekend away

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