… and now we’re at Pershore

IMG_0813 We set off predictably late at gone 11:00am Joy and Judy just had to go shopping as we were in a real town. Our first obstacle  was the Hampton Ferry, which is pulled across the river on a rope, so you have to give three long blasts on the horn so they know you’re coming and can lower the rope. The ferryman decided he  had plenty of time to do one more trip across before we got there, which of course he did, but you do start to wonder as you get ever closer!

IMG_0814 Joy  had been complaining for a few days that the loo was smelly so we had to get it ‘pumped out’ and we were very excited to find DIY pump outs were available for free at  the sanitary station outside Evesham sewage works, these things are important to boaters 😀 The map said there was another cable across the river here, but it was, fact between the pillars of an old railway bridge about 25 feet above the water level, we had visions of the sewage workers arriving for work by zip wire!

Map picture

Chadbury and Fladbury Locks were negotiated and by the time we reached Wyre Piddle after passing Tiddle Widdle Island we were sure the map makers had been the victims of some schoolboy humour. The joke was on us though as we moored up outside the Anchor pub at Wyre only to find it closed for refurbishment. 🙁

We had to content ourselves with mooring for the night at Pershore Recreation ground which was conveniently close to Asda so provisions were purchased and we spent a pleasant evening playing Balderdash with Graham and Judy and sharing supper together.

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