Down to Evesham with the Family

IMG_0796 Jer, Sadie, Morley & Iona came to visit us today at Bidford on Avon, left their car there and joined us for a cruise down to Evesham, it was a really nice day and we had lunch as we travelled and arrived in Evesham mid-afternoon. Joy got us into trouble at Evesham Lock by handing the lock-keeper our centreline, giving away the fact that we hadn’t been keeping to their rules all day!


(using both bow & stern lines – front & back ropes to you landlubbers)

IMG_0803 We couldn’t have moored up in a better place, opposite Workman Gardens, as there was a big play area there where Morley & Iona had a whale of a time and got soaking wet which was all part of the fun. Meanwhile Jer rode his bike back to Bidford in 23 minutes (over 3 hours by boat) and brought the car back, Sadie had a ‘pronk’ (jog) round the park  and had to show Iona how to use the play equipment.

We had dinner together before they went home and we washed up and promptly fell asleep for an hour exhausted but happy. 😀

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