Dentists, Willows & Annie’s Tea Rooms

The visit to the dentist went well, apart from having to get up at silly o’clock to drive a hire car to Banbury to leave Joy shopping & on to Bloxham for my 8:40 am appointment. I am pleased to report that my new crown is in situ and looking good.

Whilst in Banbury we visited Tooleys Boatyard to talk about blacking and devised a ‘Cunning Plan’ to have Wrens-Nest’s bottom blacked whilst we were on holiday in September.

Having discovered Graham (of nb Katherine) was the owner of an Austin Seven I asked if he would like a dynamo for it as I had one ‘under the bench’ at Heyford so we went there to retrieve said item and met Bones there!

IMG_0760a This chance meeting changed our lunch plans so we decamped to Annie’s Tea Rooms at Thrupp for pork pies, fresh bread and salad. We had a chance to observe the newly mechanised lift bridge and wonder of wonders… British Waterways working to trim the willow tree which had swept our sack truck off the roof a few weeks ago. Who says complaining doesn’t work!

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