Back at Heyford & an Anniversary

We arrived back here at Lower Heyford on Friday and found a mooring easily, it’s just opposite the church and has the River Cherwell separating the canal from the railway line. This location is good news for Catty as she is allowed out once again to explore the little wooded area leading down to the river and she has already show her appreciation by presenting us with a couple of mice. Although she normally faces down most dogs she meets, two excitable black Labradors caused her to take to the roof of the boat this morning.

Before we left Aynho a pair of swans came by to show of their new brood of signets and demand food (quite aggressively) in return for the privilege. Here at Heyford there’s just family of moorhens whose chicks chirp continuously although I’ve only seen one of them!

It will be good to catch up with friends from the area and have already seen folk from Oxfordshire Narrowboats and caught up with the gossip there. This morning we’re off to church at The Chapel – Heyford Park and will catch up with more friends.

This weekend is the first anniversary of us moving onto our boat and starting our life as liveaboards, Joy said she wanted to try it for a year to decide if she liked it, but she actually decided long before that it was the life for us.

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