Up the Junction

Where are those ducks!

Oh, what excitement! My first chance to write something on here! I feel very important now like my friend Boots, actually he isn’t really my friend because he hates cats, he lives with Auntie Mort on her boat Bones and writes her blog for her sometimes (Oh do you think its a bit familiar to call her Auntie Mort because she’s a doctor you know… Not a doctor who’s like a vet for humans, but a doctor who’s very clever and researches scientific stuff which even Mum & Dad can’t understand. Perhaps I’ll just call her Dr Bones, like everyone else.)


Cheeky Ducks!

Anyway… here we are for a couple of days opposite Aynho Junction where the railway lines from Oxford and Bicester  join to go into Banbury and on to Birmingham and because the canal is between our boat and the railway, Dad has persuaded Mum that its safe for me to go out exploring. Wheeee!





The reason why we have stopped here is because Mum has a wheezy chest and needs a rest, Dad wanted to rub it with someone called Vick but she told him to behave himself. Anyway… its really nice here and I’m very busy inspecting all the hedgerows and keeping track of which boats come and go. Oh! I’ve got to tell you last night there was such a noise on top of the boat I was sure there were bad people about like the ones who untied nb Meybe in Banbury &  they woke up on the other side of the canal.

Dogs! Am I bovvered?

I tried all ways to see what it was and made Dad laugh until he took me out the back door and I found out it was just a couple of cheeky ducks on top of our roof! There are sheep and lambs here too who are very noisy sometimes so I have to keep them order, just a minute I’ve got to go and see a dog off who’s walking along my towpath. Well that told him, I fluffed myself up and arched my back and he’s gone now, him and his silly ball he was carrying, sorry but I’ve got to go now, I need some lunch after all that fun, then I’ve got to go and patrol the towpath again.

Ooops! Water seems to be wet.

I was just inspecting the towpath… and well I don’t quite know what happened. Pisht!

Talk to you again soon, Catty x x x

0 thoughts on “Up the Junction

  1. Hello Chris and Joy,

    I was just trying to find out which steam train passed through heyford last weekend and somehow stumbled across your Blog. How brilliant!! I’ve been wondering where you’ve been as we haven’t seen you about when on the canoe.

    Now I know where to find you!

    Lots of love to you both,

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