Clattercote to Fenny Compton

IMG_0612 This morning it was time to take on the Claydon Five, not some local gang but a flight of locks in quick succession. Joy was suffering with pain in her side so I was in charge of locking and Joy took the boat in, under supervision, and left in charge in the locks and coming out, I must admit I had many kind people help as the bottom gates were all doubles, meaning a sprint around the lock when working them on my own. They were all the locks in today’s schedule and we had a quiet day meandering through the countryside after travelling through IMG_0613 Fenny Compton Tunnel (which has actually been a cutting since 1870, but the name remains and its site can be recognised by the straight stretch of narrow canal in a cutting crossed by several bridges.) we decided to stop for the day, well there was a nice pub, The Wharf, where we had lunch.

We took the opportunity to put the washing machine on and in the evening we had a visit from Bones who was on the return leg of a journey to do with her work.

We just rang our daughter & family in Australia at 6 in the morning, Oops and are now returning to the pub for a nightcap.

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