Bank Holiday Weekend

So it’s been a while hasn’t it and while this isn’t about boating as such it’s just about life on Wrens-Nest.

First, however, a bit about real boating. This weekend was the Birmingham Canal Navigations Challenge where teams of boaters try to outdo each other by visiting the remoter parts of the BCN and we had a few of the contestants visit us here in The Engine Arm.

So… How did I spend my Bank Holiday weekend?

Well, I’d ordered some new toys from Ali Express which my friend Karen (The Brummie one who kindly lets me send stuff to her address that won’t fit through my letterbox) delivered to me on Saturday, so I was like a kid at Christmas unwrapping them, then I must have bored her rigid by finding out how each one worked.

The easiest to fit was a new clock for Jinty, a direct swap, one with a white display to replace the baleful green one.

Also for Jinty was a smart new USB power supply socket which took a little more effort but I’m pleased with the result.

The old socket has been repurposed inside the bedroom cupboard to power the other new clock which was in my order.

I made up an extension lead to provide power but it offended my sensibilities to have a wire visible across the bedroom ‘ceiling’ so I found some wood-coloured trunking at B & Q and at 7:30 am Monday morning I was there collecting it!
Cut to length and ready to fit I discovered the sticky strip was missing from the back of it, so back to B & Q to exchange it, but they couldn’t find another so they gave me a roll of double-sided sticky tape instead. That installed I ‘improved’ my extension lead too.
The only downside to the double-sided tape was a white line showing between the trunking and the ceiling but I cured that by the application of raw sienna watercolour paint.

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