August Update

In my last posting I mentioned I had a date for my Prostate operation on 22nd June.

That event has come and gone, technically is was a Robotically Assisted Prostatectomy which completely removed the Prostate. Special surgical tools were inserted through six small cuts in my lower abdomen and a slightly bigger cut near my belly button, through which a camera was inserted and eventually the Prostate removed.

That’s probably more than enough detail for most of you but the curious can find all the detail they could possible want here.

I have to say that any vestige of dignity I may have once had disappeared as before discharge a young woman took me to the bathroom for a strip wash “You do the front, I’ll do the back” she said, bless her heart!

I was released to go home on the third day after surgery with Jer & Louise coming to collect me.

My recovery has gone very well, after about 10 days I had to go back to hospital to have the catheter removed (more matter-of-fact female intervention) and I am now at the stage of retraining my bladder to do as I want it to.

In a couple of weeks I have a meeting with my consultant when I trust he’ll confirm all went well.

I almost fall in love with my Phlebotomist

I have registered with a local GP and was sent for blood tests. The Phlebotomist was so kind and funny, she checked my details verifying my address and said not that I’m coming to visit, but if I did what would you cook me? She settled on Lasagne but said she’d want roast potatoes & Yorkshire pudding with it (strange girl).

Within minutes she had found out I’d lost Joy and said she was far too young to be taken from me, then asked me what I was doing for the rest of the day. Why not go to the pictures tonight she said (if she had offered to take me I might have said yes!)

In truth I think she was just distracting me from the 4 tubes of blood she took, in which case she did a darn good job because from her putting the needle in my arm, at which point I always look away, I didn’t notice a thing until she was finished.

I didn’t even get her name but I would certainly recognise her again, striking I think would best describe her. Tall and slim, with short cropped hair dyed blonde on top (with her coffee coloured skin tone it was never going to be natural)
As I left I said goodbye & God bless you she replied God bless you too.

That night I was awoken by one of Joy’s pictures falling off the wall, perhaps she was telling me “Don’t you even think about it”

Next weekend my Grandson Morley is getting wed to his Fiance Annice, they are just 20, but have been together for a couple of years and I wish them a long and happy marriage like Joy and me.


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