Headed back to Stourport

Saturday 23rd April

Yesterday afternoon it transpired our solar panels had stopped charging to batteries and a call to the supplier of the Solar Controller was just too late to catch their Technical Team who finish early on a Friday!

I made a visit to Asda before heading back down to Diglis where we were moored a few days ago.

Sunday 24th April

A hire boat moored up next to us last night & we agreed to go out onto the river together this morning as they were first-time hirers, so it was an early-ish start this morning just before 9 o’clock.

We negotiated the two locks with the help of a friendly volunteer lock-keeper who kindly shut the last set of gates for us so we could get straight out onto the river.

We headed up-stream in convoy, dodging the many rowers and paddlers who were out and about in skiffs and canoes, passing the cathedral with its bells calling the faithful to worship and arrived at Bevere Lock about eleven.

We negotiated this easily and headed onwards to Holt Lock and tried to join ‘our’ church at Bewdley for their on-line service sadly the internet was not really up to it so will have to listen tomorrow!

Just about half a mile before the lock a toot from behind signalled a boat  wanting to overtake us and Poppy (a Trinity hireboat) passed us at Warp Speed 9 creating a huge bow-wave and separating us from our locking buddies at the next lock.

We were in no hurry however and transited the next two locks on  our own.

Stourport Staircase Locks

By 2:30pm were were at Stourport climbing the double staircase of locks and just caught sight of our locking buddies leaving the top lock and by 3 o’clock we were tied up on our mooring  chatting to our neighbours.

Today’s journey: 13.37 miles 6h17m & 10 locks

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