Anchored at High Offley

Just a couple of hours journey today, as we wanted to visit the historic Anchor Inn High Offley, we wanted to support the business as the landlady of the past many years Mrs Olive Cliff recently passed away but this month her daughter has reopened it on weekends.

What Pub describes it as follows:

An unspoilt example of a 19th century canalside pub. … It has been run by the same family since 1870. The right-hand room has a quarry-tile floor, two high-back settles, window bench and scrubbed tables which create a timeless atmosphere.

As soon as we set off it started to drizzle but didn’t come to heavy rain, we passed through Norbury Junction and High Bridge with the unique telegraph pole incorporated in it.

We arrived at The Anchor in time for pre-lunch drinks and can report that it has lost none of it’s simple charm. It’s like stepping back into the past with it’s scrubbed tables and benches and you can have any ale you like as long as it’s Wadworth’s 6X drawn by the jugful from the cellar.  What better for a Wiltshire born chap.

We had a drink in their beautiful garden before taking a couple back to have with our lunch of Greek Feta & Leek pastries, Mango Chutney and some of our homegrown tomatoes.

After lunch Joy did a jigsaw and I started writing this while we listened to a reading of George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ on BBC Sounds until the internet signal disappeared.

It was a proper Sunday Dinner tonight, lamb shank with carrots, roast potatoes & parsnips.

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