The Last Leg

Wednesday 30th June 2021

We were up and away by 9 am and went through Gloucester Lock in the company of a small workboat which kept out of our way at the front of the lock.


Not much to write about so here is a photo slideshow.


We intended to make for Tewkesbury but having arrived there by 1:30 we pressed on for Upton upon Severn and moored on the Town Council Moorings and I scaled the steps to get us drinks from The Plough Inn.






Thursday 1st July 2021

We left our mooring with a little difficulty as the end of the mooring near the bridge was very shallow, but by turning into the flow and the kind help of a taciturn workman, we were off. 

Not a terribly interesting stretch but we did get a snap of one of the landmarks, Severn Bank House  with it’s battlements, set up on the bank above us

Once again I missed a picture of Severn End House Reputed to be the location of Brinkley Court in the Wooster Novels by P.G Wodehouse, so a photo from Geograph will have to suffice. Bertie could never turn down a invitation there from his Aunt Dahlia the main attraction being her gifted French chef Anatole.

The Edward Elgar

We were just going under Carrington Bridge when the call of nature took me to the loo, leaving Joy at the helm, squeals announced that The Edward Elgar was headed downstream so I had to cut short my comfort break to resume command!



We negotiated our only lock of the day at Diglis and found a space on the pontoon moorings there. Being Thursday Joy was occupied with her art class in the afternoon.

Friday 2nd July 2021


Worcester Road Bridge

Today we were away at 9:15, passing under Worcester Bridge saw ‘our tree’ was now wedged against the bridge pillars.
There are a few nice riverside properties in Worcester, some have landing stages which for the most part were neglected and suffering from repeated flood damage.


Duke No 3

We spent much of the journey following Duke No 3 a hotel boat which although faster than us, we seemed to catch up with them at the locks. The crew were nice guys and their customers were very impressed with their experience. They were using a drone to film their progress and promised us a copy of the bits involving Wrens-Nest.

We shared Stourport Broad Locks with  them too after waiting about 45 minutes for one boat to go up and two down.

We were soon back at our mooring and being greeted by Leigh, Malc and the staff, who made sure that we could get tied up safely. Then it was us connecting up our electricity, filling our water tank & getting a gas refill which had been reserved for us.

Showers & a rest were in order and later we treated ourselves to a Chinese takaway, after a long 6 hours boating. 

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