Up The Junction

Monday 31st May 2021

There was a knock on the boat this morning and our previous neighbour, Mike was there! He went and fetched Myra from the car and we spent a happy couple of hours in the sunshine exchanging news of friends and family.

Monica & David

Our delayed visit from David and Monica happened today, the weather was great and we sat beside the boat all afternoon and evening chatting and reminiscing.
I cooked a Lamb Keema (minced lamb curry) which they all said they enjoyed. Joy got attacked by bugs and was itching all night.


Tuesday 1st June 2021

Today I went for my second Covid jab which I organised to have at Boots in Gloucester, it was all done very efficiently and I suffered no serious side effects.

In fact I felt well enough to accept an invitation to a barbecue at John & Lis’ house and we came away exceedingly full! I also got to inspect the restoration of John’s Morris Oxford (the one that looks like an overgrown Morris Minor) and hear the tale of how he ran away from home to come and work at R.A. Lister  in Dursley.

Wednesday 2nd June 2021

Today we had a visit from our good friend Esther who brought her gorgeous little boy  Yarrow along, we have known Esther since she was not much more than a toddler herself.  We had a lovely day with them and cruised up to Saul Junction where we had booked in overnight to test our washing machine which is still causing problems throwing up an error code even on mains electricity.

Thursday 3rd June 2021

We moved out of the marina this morning and got a mooring with car parking nearby. As usual it was Joy’s art day and my accordion practice hour.

3 thoughts on “Up The Junction

  1. I was sure I’d replied to this. We’re OK, innoculated & hopefully soon to be immun-ish. Life goes on in a kind of monotone.

    Chris’s eye’s are cause for concern, with the glaucoma steadily worsening damage and not *obvious* way to turn things aside. Doctors trying to give patients a personal choice about their health care, rather than clear and unequivocal advice, only make things worse.

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