Still at Splatt

I’ve somehow failed to report that last Sunday was eleven years since we moved onto Wrens-Nest, it really doesn’t seem that long.

Saturday 29th May 2021

Another morning of ‘odd jobs’ for me, today’s was re-siting the plug that connects the 240v electrics to an electricity bollard while at our mooring or a generator when out and about. It’s always been in an awkward position and one of those why-didn’t-I-do that-before jobs.

Joy watched Saturday morning cooking shows on the TV and then made some phone calls catching up with local friends.

After lunch we visited Dursley for some shopping, Joy bought some jigsaws at the Blue Cross charity shop while I bought a summer hat. We then visited Durcans for a key ring where pleased to still see Paul & Adrian behind the counter, it was as though we had never left!

On the way back to the boat we investigated a sign advertising a Car Boot Sale and got tempted to partake of a drink at Fromebridge Mill and while we were there decided we would have a meal too.

Incidentally the fencing that the sign is attached to surrounds the section of the Stroudwater Canal which has been re-instated through the A38 roundabout. This is part of  The Missing Mile which was infilled when the M5 was built in the late 1960s; the A38/ M5 link road is actually built on the infilled canal. You can see photos of the project on Cotswold Canals website.

The canal was really busy today and we felt sorry for the Bridge-Keeper who had an 11 hour shift of opening & closing this Hand-Cranked bridge!

Sunday 30th May 2021

After joining Wade Street Church for their online service I did a bit more boat DIY, this time making mooring pin holders to keep them off the new cushions at the front of the boat. These were constructed simply out of black plastic waste pipe, we shall have to see how they work over the next few weeks and paint the wooden mounting block.

Barry & Marley

It was my turn for phone calls today, I phoned Barry in Dursley, who promptly agreed to come to see us forthwith, I also had a chat with June in Amsterdam to catch up with her news, including the purchase of a motor bike, a Honda Shadow, but she maintains it’s still a push bike to get to work, I think it must be the law in Holland! I was still chatting to her when Barry arrived and we had to cut short our conversation. Sorry June.

The weather today has been glorious, are we sure it’s a Bank Holiday weekend? The Severn looking like a silver ribbon in the top photo.

I found this film of the delivery of Cocoa Beans from Avonmouth (?) Docks to Bournville in the mid to late 1930s, more details on Canalworld Forums.
Really interesting for us as we have travelled some of the route recently (not the Bristol Channel part though, neither is Joy wearing the same fashions, but I think I’ll have to get her one of those cloche hats!)

In case you were wondering where the Severn Canal was, the full title is
The Severn & Canal Carrying Company

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