Splatt Bridge

Saturday & Sunday 22nd & 23rd May 2021

We’ve been at Splatt for a few days now and in between the showers I have made a couple of bike rides to the village shop for milk, nice bread from Dangerfield’s Bakery and new laid eggs which I found for sale at a house on  the way back.

We have had a couple of visitors who have braved the muddy towpath, our ‘old’ friend Jeanette (who unlike me is a very competent musician so I was very brave to play for her!) and Joy’s niece Alison, whose house, but not her, was recently featured on Escape to the Country.

On Saturday Asda brought us groceries and the bridge-keeper was kind enough to let us moor near his hut to receive the delivery, since we had untied and it wasn’t raining we motored up to Saul to get a pump-out, as usual the CRT pump out was not working properly so an email has gone off. We visited the chandlers in the marina and bought two new mooring pins and MORE coal!

We passed Esther on the journey, see top photo (no, not you young Green, but we do hope to see you) the boat which used to belong to our friends Barry & Sue, who have now returned to ‘The Bank’ (dry land).

We returned to our ‘spot’ at Splatt only for it to pour with rain while we tied up, another kind boater helped us and of course it stopped raining as soon as we were back inside.

We had planned to visit 3c Community Church this morning with David & Monica offering to chauffeur us, but have cried off due to the weather forecast & mucky towpath, so we are joining them on-line instead.

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