Gloucester Docks… Eventually!

We were up bright and early and just after 8 am we were headed into Diglis River Lock in the company of nb Eva and soon we were under way.

It was a dry morning as promised, but quite cold and at one time I ended up with a sweater, a fleece and my hi-viz jacket on, while Joy looked far smarter in her sailing jacket, a 50p charity shop bargain!

We made good progress downstream, passing a few landmarks, the sandstone outcrop, the big white house atop the hill and the gravel loading wharf. Perch was loaded to the gunnels and set off behind us but overtook us at Upton-upon-Severn, see top photo (now that’s a barge tell the TV producers).

Mythe Bridge came into sight, signalling we were at Tewkesbury, but at Tewkesbury Junction nb Eva turned off towards the Avon, which was a surprise as they were making for Gloucester too. (I later figured they had been listening to the lock-keepers VHF channel) We soon found out the reason as at Upper Lode Lock we were told the stretch down to Gloucester was closed due to rising water levels and might be closed for a couple of days … AGAIN!

We therefore turned about and headed for the River Avon where we were able to go up the lock and the helpful lock-keeper found us a flood-safe overnight mooring for a fiver despite the Avon being  on the verge of closure too.

We recommend that all boaters stay moored up to flood safe moorings and do not attempt to navigate until levels and flows reduce to GREEN

We had some lunch and resigned ourselves to a stay at Tewkesbury but decided to phone Gloucester Lock to see if we could get any information as to when we might be able to get there, we were surprised to hear that the Severn had been re-opened for the rest of the day as the level had fallen slightly.  so “Come on down, NOW!” was the message. So at 2:10pm off we went, back down Avon Lock, swiftly on to Upper Lode Lock and we were on our way!

As the Gloucester Locky predicted we made good time with the flow in our favour, at times approaching 7 mph! (the downstream speed limit is 8 mph).

Joy prepared a beef casserole as we travelled and we took turns in steering. The weather got warmer and I was down to shirtsleeves at one stage, a really pleasant afternoon’s journey. Many of the riverside pubs had vacant moorings, but we weren’t stopping!

Some pictures from the journey.

By ten past four we were at ‘The Upper Partings’ and rang Gloucester Lock, “I’m just locking a boat through” he said “so come down slowly and I’ll have the lock ready for you.” He was as good as his word and locked us through and was most solicitous, making sure Joy was happily roped up before raising us up into the docks, she did get mud on her nice yellow jacket though.

We got a pontoon mooring in front of ‘Greek on the Docks’ restaurant, sadly there were no tables available for a Greek meal tonight, so it was a short walk for me to ‘The Black & White’ chippy, Joy said it was the best piece of cod she’d had for a long time!

A total journey time of nine hours today, no wonder we fell into bed early and watched Britbox.

On calmer waters now for a few weeks and as of Monday we’ll be able to welcome visitors, inside or outside the boat, according to your preference and the weather.


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