The Best Laid Plans…

Who’s stalking who?

After I posted the last episode of our blog and Mr Morrison had made our delivery, there was I minding my own business when a familiar boat passed our window; it was Ian & Ali AGAIN, this time towing a decrepit wooden boat behind their boat Truro so I went and helped them work the boats through the bottom lock.

The boat in question was originally a ‘butty’ (unpowered) but at sometime in it’s past had been converted to a ‘motor’ by having an engine fitted and the back end modified. They were delivering it for it’s new owner to a mooring in Braunston where we trust it will restored to it’s former glory.

Wednesday 9th May

On this morning’s schedule was a short hop to meet up with our friends Paul & Rosemary at Calcutt top lock. We set off fairly leisurely passing Napton Windmill, the obligatory photo was taken and we turned left at Napton Junction and who did we spy???
Ian & Ali walking along the towpath carrying two trays of eggs!

On arriving at our rendezvous point I sent Paul a text to say we’d arrived and shortly after he rang to say that they had been delayed and couldn’t leave until Saturday so suggested we went ahead and they would catch us up.


After some deliberation we decided that we wouldn’t tackle the broad locks without them so turned at the adjacent ‘winding hole’ and made our way back to the junction and headed for Braunston where we found Ian & Ali had delivered the boat to it’s new home.  At Braunston Junction we took another left and made it as far as Hillmorton top lock where later, you guessed it, Ian & Ali caught up with us again.

Thursday 10th May

Bright and early! We were away before 8:30 and by 9:00 we were down all three locks with another boat in the parallel set so were able to help each other through. We had decided to make for Hawkesbury Junction today and we did the seven hour journey non stop, Joy made cheese, potato & leek pasties on the way for our lunch and Greek, lamb  Giouvetsi for our tea.

This part of the Oxford canal seemed much busier today, lot’s of ducklings about now and a few moorhen chicks too. On the way we passed this smart little Stewarts & Lloyds tug, Vesta.
It was sunny all day but a biting, cold wind.
We moored up at 5:20 pm next to Tony & Jacqui on nb  Timewarp who used to work at Oxfordshire Narrowboats with me and now sell brass tiller pins & fudge from their boat.


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