At Napton Now

Sunday 6th May

Having secured a nice spot here at Fenny we decided to stay put to avoid any Bank Holiday traffic jams. There was more traffic than normal but nothing excessive, I managed to do a few small jobs on the boat, we did a load of washing at The Wharf’s laundrette, oh and while Joy was hanging out the washing to dry she managed to fall off the new step and hurt her foot. Doh!

Monday 7th May

We topped up with water this morning about half past eight and were on our way soon after, the summit pound was remarkably quiet and we hardly met another boat until we were getting near to Marston Doles. There was a short queue for the locks but we only dropped down  the first two before mooring  near Old Engine House Arm Junction.

Tuesday 8th May

Today we waited until 10 ish when we saw the first boat come up Adkins Lock so we put our cunning plan into action and found all the locks were set in our favour and more boats coming up to take our place in the empty locks, a win-win situation.

Down the six locks in just over the hour, passing the famous Napton Buffalo herd and mooring before the bottom lock at 11 o’clock.
We have a Morrison’s delivery scheduled for late afternoon and this is a good vantage point to watch for their arrival.

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