Now at Napton

Sunday 8th April

Sunday being a day of rest we stayed put, and it was rainy anyway, but we did don our walking boots, slosh along the towpath, and take the footpath through the lambs’ field up to All Saints’ Church Braunston  (The Cathedral of the Canals) for their family service.


My, my its a long time since we attended a service with hymn books and a formal litany, we’ve been used to having the words of the songs projected onto a screen.


We spent  the rest of the day vegging out in front of the TV, blogging and Teddy knitting.

Monday 9th April

6.92 miles, 2h44m, Locks:1 Bridges:18 Average speed:2.52 mph (2.89 lock/mph)

Today we pootled across to the water-point at 9am and once our tank was full set off  through the iconic footbridge towards today’s target, Napton and at 12:10 moored just above the bottom lock where the towpath was less muddy.

Before we left Braunston I contacted Napton Village Stores through Facebook to check if they had a butternut squash to go in this evening’s meal, they had just one left and kindly saved it for us, so my first job of the afternoon was to go and collect it along with some other provisions. I got back just before the rain set in again for the afternoon.

This evening we are expecting our friends and my erstwhile colleagues Paul and Rosemary to visit us for a meal, to chat about our plans for later this year and, no doubt, to generally put the world to rights.



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