Banbury to Heyford

After spending a few days at Banbury Tramway moorings catching up with friends from our old mooring, Sandra, one of Joy’s friends from her Art Class and a visit from Toni & Chris from Somerton for a meal another visitor arrived on Thursday. Our friend Allison, from Gloucestershire, is staying with us for a few days so she drove us down to Heyford, parked her car there and we caught the train back to Banbury.

Friday 20th April

The ‘girls’ went into town in the morning and hit the charity shops and after lunch we untied just before 3pm and passed through Twyford, Kings Sutton, ‘The Pig Place’ and Nell Bridge.  We moored at  Belchers Bridge at Aynho about 6pm where we were soon joined by a hen party on a hire-boat, they apologised in advance if they were noisy but after they returned from the pub I didn’t hear them at all.

Saturday 21st April

The ‘hens’ were up before us this morning (must have been a tame night) but we were away by 9:20 and stopped at Aynho Wharf to get a pump out and some water, unfortunately there were others with the same idea and an exceedingly slow tap so it was 10:45 by the time we got away from there.

It was a good trip down passing through Somerton Deep Lock (Joy’s least favourite) and through one of my favourite stretches through Somerton Meadows down to Heyford.

Just as we were approaching the lift bridge at Heyford we had a sudden heavy shower, but our friend Andy had just come through the bridge and opened it again for us.

We moored just before Heyford Wharf, so we shall have to get used to being by  the rail line again and will spend a few days here with Allison and catching up with more friends from our days down here before  moving on.

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