Loughborough, Trains & ‘Zotch’

Thursday  10th August

This morning the river level had dropped by about an inch and two other boats came up the lock so we decided to go while the lock was ready for us.  8½ miles and 5 locks today (6 if you count Pillings Flood Lock) which was open, quite a weird sensation cruising through.

Pillings Flood Lock
Sileby Lock
Sileby Weir Stream

We stopped outside the Boat Inn at Loughborough for lunch, but decided to move on a bit closer to the town as we were right opposite a kids playground and some pre-teen boys and girls were screaming and shouting at each other. In fact we found a nice spot just before the junction to Loughborough Basin with easy access to the nearby Aldi through the industrial estate.

My look out post

Friday 11th August

Today was a ‘rest’ day and Joy & Iona went down town for some girly-time at the shops and a visit to Creations Pottery where Iona produced a Penguin!

When they returned I cooked a  not-very chilli con carne as Iona had found the Indian food too hot for her taste, however this meal had sweet chilli sauce added at the table to ‘adjust to taste’.

Saturday  12th August

This morning we packed a picnic and set off for a day at the Great Central Railway and travelled to Leicester and back, we were hauled by a diesel but there were lots of steam photo opportunities.

When we returned to Loughborough we were able to have a tour around the locomotive repair workshop where they are repairing several locos, including Boscastle. Our guide was very kind and even let Iona & Grandpa up on the footplate of Witherslack Hall.

Witherslack Hall

Jeremy arrived later in the afternoon to take Iona back to his boat to do Tardebigge Locks tomorrow, she should sleep for a week after doing them!

Sunday  13th August

After another trip to Aldi we left at about half past eleven this morning, and had help at both Loughborough and Bishop Meadow Lock, I must be looking old as a family on a cruiser insisted on working us through  the first one and a young lass closed the gate for me at Bishop Meadow.

Normanton Church

This next part of our journey was reminiscent of the Thames, with impressive riverside properties, both homes and holiday chalets. Normanton Church was snapped as we passed and at Zouch (apparently pronounced Zotch) we entered another canal section and have moored just before Zouch Lock.

Normanton Flood Moorings

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