Catty & The Night Visitor

So there we were at Fazeley Junction, sleeping the sleep of the just, when at 2:45am an almighty caterwauling erupted in the back of our boat. I tumbled out of bed to investigate and in my half awake state found another cat had found its way through the cat flap, and Jade was having none of it. The fluffy grey visitor was at the top of the back steps unable to get out again until I released it, even after it had gone Jade was still growling and moaning until Joy calmed her down. Needless to say we couldn’t get back to sleep for some time and when morning came we didn’t feel like rising very early.

DSCF1108After restoring our energy with a cooked breakfast we did manage to leave by 10:30am and we were under way, headed for Fradley.
Last night I managed to extend the tiller arm by a couple of inches, by drilling another hole and fitting a brass sleeve which gives a slightly more comfortable arm position when I am perched up on the back like this. Joy insisted that I had made the tiller too high for her until a tape measure proved it was exactly the same height!

DSCF1107Joy made some home made pasties for lunch-on-move with the remains of the Scouse avoiding the temptation to stop at The Plough for lunch.
Poor Jade’s traumas hadn’t finished however as we had to use our air horn to warn an oncoming boat we were emerging from under a bridge and the poor animal nearly jumped out of her skin. Two boats were just leaving Fradley visitor Moorings as we arrived so we swiftly took their place.

DSCF1111Jade has been (cautiously) exploring the moorings, although she did get a wet tail when she jumped back on board to avoid a passing dog and Joy accidentally pushed her off the gunnel as she turned round to see her. (Cruel woman!)

Joy’s been doing some watercolour painting while I’ve been fettling the electric horn since we arrived which has been working only intermittently, hence the air horn on standby.

Tonight we’re planning to eat at The Swan (aka Mucky Duck) this evening, a real traditional boatman’s pub right on the junction which has been there as long as the canal I suspect.

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