R & R at Fenny & south to Cropredy

As intimated in our last blog we have stayed in Fenny Compton for a few days, on Friday evening we were joined by Ruth and Barry from Heyford for an evening meal at The Wharf Inn and subjected them to a viewing on some of our 2000 plus photos over coffee back on the boat.

On Saturday afternoon our friend Allison joined us for the weekend and on Sunday we spent the day at Stoke Bruerne Village at War, we always enjoy this event and gives everyone an excuse to dress up in 40s style. We were fortunate to see and hear a Spitfire fly overhead and see the displays of historic boats and militaria.

More of my photos here on Facebook (no log in needed) and hundreds on Flickr which are much better than mine. 🙂

Monday morning was chill out time and after lunch Allison drove us into Banbury and while the girls hit the charity shops I collected the post and got a passport photo done for my passport renewal.

We said our goodbyes to Allison after tea & cake at The Whistling Kettle and then caught the bus back to Fenny.

IMG_20150915_102839162Today we have reversed back to the waterpoint and joined the queue to top up.

For anyone passing that way, beware of a hole beside the piling at the end of the waterpoint moorings, just right to break an ankle if you catch your foot in it.

I have emailed C&RT to advise them of the danger.


WEJourneyMap-44281We eventually got away at 10 to 11 and travelled south through Fenny Compton ‘Tunnel’, Claydon, Elkington`s, Varney`s & Broadmoor Locks, nine in all.

The rain caught us out at Varney’s Lock then it stopped for a while until we moored up at Cropredy when it poured down again.. ..

.. and now the sun is out!

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