Holed up at the Fox & Anchor

Sunday 30th August

WEJourneyMap-43955After our walk around Wheaton Aston Saturday night we thought we might attend the parish church this morning but checking on the internet we found there was only a shared service at the neighbouring village. I guess it’s because August had five Sundays which seem to play havoc with the ecclesiastical rotas, so instead we listened to a podcast sermon from our friend Trevor from Cityview Church in Vancouver!

So we continued to retrace our journey up the one lock at Wheaton Aston and then it was an easy 3 hour cruise to our next lock at  Junction.

DSCN2181Joy was fancying a Sunday Roast and although the Bridge Inn at Brewood had looked promising it was only 11am as we passed and a bit early for lunch even by my standards. Passing through the Brewood Cutting we passed nb Esther on which we have spent many a happy hour when it belonged to our friends Barry & Sue.

DSCN2186Autherley has one of those stop locks with just a few inches of difference and it was left at the junction and after travelling south for 8 miles we are now heading north again!

We could have turned right and returned through Birmingham but we chose the longer, though arguably easier route through Great Haywood.

Anyway rain was forecasted for the afternoon so we opted to do as much boating in the dry as we could and in just over an hour we were in the Fox and Anchor at Coven [that seems to be pronounced Co-ven, like Co-op] in time for that roast dinner. I can’t say that the meal was anything special but the service was prompt and the  staff were pleasant and helpful in directing us to the local Co-op for provisions.

After our shopping expedition the rain started in earnest so we battened down the hatches and watched TV.

Monday 31st August

As forecast it rained all night and showed no signs of abating this morning, well it is Bank Holiday Monday! In any case Joy woke up feeling really out of sorts so we lit the fire and spent the day snuggled up in front of it with more TV in the evening not even being tempted by the bar which was but a few steps away.

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