Wheaton Aston

DSCN2170It should have been an easy day today, and so it was, through the greenery of Grub Street Cutting, where I admired the classic cars at this remote mooring (the 50s Daimler is just out of shot). We made a stop at Norbury Junction for water and rubbish disposal. Joy exchanged some books and jigsaws at the swap shop in the facilities block while I replaced a lost fender at the chandlery at Norbury Wharf. [certainly not the cheapest on the cut at 25% more than my last purchase]

Just a mile or so further on, however, it started to rain and I got soaked in the course of just a few minutes so we decided to stop for lunch at Gnosall although it had stopped by then I needed to change my trousers. We made a salad with bacon & black pudding bits and Joy topped hers with a poached egg, very cheffy!

DSCN2173Dryer and fuller we set off again, through Cowley Tunnel, the only one on the Shroppie, hewn through rock so solid it needed no brick lining and we took the obligatory photo of the bridge with a telephone pole mounted under it.

At 3:30 pm we were mooring up at Wheaton Aston and took a walk down to the village shop and a swift half at The Hartley Arms on the way back.

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