Now it’s Nantwich

DSCN2129It was before 9 when we cast off this morning, we thought that a boat might come by to share the locks with but as the second lock (Beeston Iron) has to be done solo we set off and did Wharton Lock on our own. As we approached the locks we had views of Beeston Castle to the south and just before the Iron Lock, across the railway line there is a hill with what appear to be bunkers in it. It transpires that this was a WW2 fuel storage depot. See here for more details.

DSCN2131As we were leaving Beeston Iron Lock
nb Moondancer caught up with us so we waited for them at the Stone Lock and shared with them until Bunbury Staircase where we joined nb Vulcan.

C&RT’s Calveley Service Station follows soon after Bunbury but we didn’t need their facilities but we did visit The Calveley Mill Shop Café (which has only been open since Easter) well recommended for a nice lunch and a browse around their shop, no surprise that we came away with cheese, as they part of the J.S. Bailey cheese company.

From there on it was an easy cruise towards Nantwich, passing The Olde Barbridge Inn we spotted Dave & Lillian on nb Calm Down who we know from pub quizzes at The Boat Inn at Thrupp (Oxon).

By which time we were approaching Nantwich it had started to drizzle and were glad to slip into a mooring near Nantwich Canal Centre and call it a day.

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