Under starter’s orders for Liverpool

Sunday morning 12 boats lined up at Hancock`s Swing Bridge and we went through in two convoys of 6 to Salthouse Dock it took about 6 hours. The C&RT guys cheerfully did the locks and bridges for us in the rain. Before we reached Stanley Locks Chris had to stop 3 times and open weed hatch to clear the propeller of rubbish.

Once through the four locks we were into the dock area proper changing from derilict warehouses to the modern waterside building and the iconic city landmarks. There were two more locks and three tunnels, one which took us under Liverpool Museum.


When you went though the last tunnel and lock the view hit you massive great glass buildings, ships, museums etc. Unfortunately because of the rain many of the photos have rain spots, but will post some below and link to a Facebook album with more in.

We moored up on our allocated pontoon and put our gas central heating on, we also took advantage of the free electricity and put the tumble dryer to dry our soaking clothes!

DSCN1668Later we had friends visit, who used to go to our old church in Gloucestershire, we hadn’t seen them in years and we had a great evening sharing a meal and catching up with each other’s news.

Yesterday we went to a huge shopping centre and in the afternoon the Liverpool Museum, we only did the first floor so back again today.

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary so we are on the lookout for somewhere to eat .Good train and bus service here so one day we are thinking of going on the open air bus, but we will wait hopefully for good weather, last night was very windy here 3 o’clock Chris had to go outside and rescue the satellite dish which had blown over. So we have been lazing in bed this morning.

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