Gnosall to Norbury and on to Market Drayton via The Anchor

We said goodbye to Gnosall (which we were reliably informed by a local is pronounced Knowsall or maybe it’s Nose-al) and it was just an hour’s jaunt to Norbury Junction where I wanted to visit Norbury Wharf to buy some fittings to make a better job on repairing the drip on the diesel leak-off pipe. Unfortunately it wasn’t in stock but they could order it for delivery the next afternoon, not to worry we’re in no hurry and there was washing to do, we enquired if there was a local laundrette, no.. but they could do a service wash for us, even better!

DSCN0759aOur part didn’t turn up until 4:30pm the next day but no matter, we filled our day, me pottering about and Joy did some art work. We finally got away at 5 o’clock and just did an hour’s cruise to The Anchor at High Offley. After a mushroom risotto for tea we visited the little pub which is an absolute delight, you could be stepping back a 100 years, just a simple bar with wooden settles/benches and scrubbed tables arranged for conversation!

high offley pubCheck out the reviews in this link, apparently 2 landladies in 105 years, Olive being the second and current one. We chatted with Mal Edwards the local fender maker and a visiting boater who it transpired not only came from Dursley (where we lived for 30 odd years) but was brother to Howard, a friend and owner of Dursley Garage which was next to my first business premises (now demolished).

This morning we were on our way again at half past nine, past the former Cadbury’s Factory at Knighton and in a couple of hours we were passing through the impressive Woodseaves cutting hewn through the solid rock.

IMG_20150619_130915830_HDRWe stopped for lunch just before Tyrley Locks where a Black Prince hire boat was having problems opening one of the lock gates and had called C&RT, but before their man arrived from 25 miles away they and another boat had managed to ascend to lock and we were going down. Neither we or the C&RT man could find any problem.

The five locks were negotiated very easily meeting boats at every lock which saves closing gates as we leave the lock (note the grey Shroppie lock beams as opposed to the common black).

DSCN0799By 10 past 2 we were mooring up in Market Drayton where we annoyed two Muscovy Ducks by disturbing their afternoon nap. We have new(ish) housing opposite facing and embracing the canalscape.

This afternoon we walked down into the town which has a surprising mix of modern and half timbered buildings, Asda, Wilkinsons rubbing shoulders with independent shops, cafes and pubs.

IMG_20150619_161240961_HDRTomorrow is market day and we may stay to look around some more, depending on the weather.

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