A short trip by boat and a longer one by bus

DSCN0858We had planned to stay at Nantwich today and do some shopping, but when we realised that to descend from the embankment it involved 48 steps, Joy declared that she had had enough of steps yesterday at The Bunker.

Instead we opted to move on to Barbridge and catch the bus from there. There is a canal-side sculpture trail the most impressive being the horse recycled from old lockgate timber I believe.

IMG_20150624_113122035_HDRIt took us just an hour to reach Barbridge,  we winded at Junction and reversed onto a mooring, 40 minutes later we were on the number 84 to Crewe where we visited Aldi for groceries and R & B Music for guitar strings. Then it was back to Nantwich bus station with it’s lovely flower display, we had lunch in town and then we returned to the boat, so passing over and under the Nantwich Aqueduct in one day.

Tomorrow we’ll return to Hurleston Junction and on to another canal.

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