Saturday at Napton

DSCN0267As I got up to make a pot of tea this morning & spied a Bullfinch outside the kitchen window, needless to say by the time I turned around to grab my camera it had gone never to return! There’s a tree opposite with  little hole where another small bird flits in and out but it was so fast I failed to capture that too so you’ll have to be content with the hole in the tree unless my bird watching skills improve.


After breakfast the generator & washing machine went on for a quick wash and half an hour boost on the immersion heater as the solar panels are taking care of everything else.

The chores done we took a stroll up into the village and patronised Napton Village Stores which have a good selection of stock at reasonable prices plus a Post Office and cafe. The owners have worked hard over the past 16 months to provide a hub for the village and a useful facility for visiting boaters. Read what the Rugby Advertiser has to say here.

DSCN0277After lunch I finished my Hamish Macbeth book and managed to upload my latest gpx data so you now have our correct location in the little panel on the right. Oh and snapped these cuties.

I think it will be a quiet night in front of the TV if the neighbours keep the noise down, there’s a field of lambs just beyond the hedge. :0)

0 thoughts on “Saturday at Napton

  1. Its good the shop is still going, it was for sale for quite a time, but it always was a useful place to stock up and sold most things

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