Napton to Braunston

IMG_20150516_170325539_HDRYesterday Joy finished the rag rug she has been making over the last few months and it is now installed in our kitchen.

Tomorrow’s weather forecast is looking a little doubtful so we decided to head off to Braunston today. So after another trip to Napton Village Stores we set off about 11am.

The weather clouded over almost immediately we left and caused us to don coats and hats. We met Jan from nb Captain Pursue on the way and grumbled how summers never used to be so changeable when we were young. :0)

Joy took some arty photos (she says) while I snapped Bridge 100 with its chained sides instead of parapets, while waiting for a boat to come through. When I took my turn to go through blow me if there wasn’t another following through, why the first boater didn’t warn me I’m blessed if I know?

As were approaching Braunston three ducks decided to hitch a ride on top of our boat, Joy even managed to get a shot of them flying off.

Immediately after we came upon Gordon & Jane’s boats moored up (from back at Banbury) although no one was at home.

At the junction we turned right and filled up at the water point when who should walk past but Gordon & Jane. We winded at the Marina entrance and are now moored up near the junction.

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