Summer Cruise Days 8 & 9

DSCF5634Saturday was hot and we didn’t travel very far, after leaving Polesworth we passed Pooley Hall, once the home of the late Edwin Starr, American Soul and Motown Singer and found the local cattle lined up for a drink. We stopped at Alvecote to try to purchase some parts from Narrowcraft but they didn’t have what I need for my project so we pottered on until we found somewhere where we could stop and use our generator to run the washing machine without annoying nearby residents.

DSCF5640Meanwhile I started that project by drilling holes in the cupboard door which I liberated from the Braunston wheelie bins and filling the back cabin with sawdust.    OK so I’m making a new power distribution panel for all my electrical gubbins, before I knew it was 8pm and it was nearly finished apart from 2 more 12v power sockets which I’m short of so I can get rid of that 3 way extension.

DSCF5642We had planned an early start today but a disturbed night and a heavy rain shower meant we didn’t get away until about a quarter to 10. Glascote Locks were first then the aqueduct over the River Tame. Fazeley Junction was upon us next where we swung left onto the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal – Main Line stopping for water at Coleshill Road Bridge.

DSCF5654The old gravel pits which border the canal have been transformed into a nature reserve, the canal was quiet today with few boats about and we found all of Curdworth locks were set against us. We decided to take a break 3 locks up at The Dog & Doublet where we had our lunch, homemade cheese, leek and potato pasties helped down with a pint of M & B mild and  half of Stowford Press.

After this break we saw a boat coming out of the next lock… Yes all the locks would be in our favour now… No!  Either these locks leak like crazy or there was another boat in front of us. By the time we had done all 11 locks we felt knackered so we moored up at the Visitor Moorings just through the Curdworth Tunnel, and no, we haven’t even been to The White Lion.

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